SES New York 2007 Day 1
It’s been quite a morning. I was here yesterday for Jennifer Laycock’s presentation on viral link baiting and viral marketing. It was an intensive half day class from an accomplished presenter.
The morning started early when I nearly stumbled upon Danny Sullivan whom I had never met. I read his posts in Search Engine Land every day as the most immediate source for search related topics. He’s a gracious guy who chatted for a moment before moving along.
On the Multimedia & Mobile Track the first session I attended regarded Video Search Optimization. I found reinforcement for the methodology AIMCLEAR brings our clients marketing video content. We preach that it’s important to keep in mind, when targeting search engines that specialize in gathering up your video, to remember the inclusion of well optimized meta text. This makes content more available to searchers seeking content. The session looked at how to make videos more discoverable in these specialized search spaces. There was also a good amount of focus on making viral campaigns contribute to the authority of your website.The moderators were Chris Sherman(shown here with Shari Thurow) who is Conference Programming Director for SES events. The speakers were Eric Papczun, Director of Natural Search, Performics, Sherwood Stranieri, Search Marketing Director, Catalyst online, and Gregory Markel, Founder/President, Infuse Creative, LLC who announced a new video SEO tool.
The next session, also on the Multimedia & Mobile Track was Multimedia & Mobile Track was Podcast & Audio Search Optimization. Many people are “podcasting” these radio-like shows which are available on-demand. Your target audience can listen to your content on MP3 players or computers. This session provided a nice overview of meta-content (the essential text we tag podcasts with) and stressed the fundamentals of SEO.
The “best practices” we have traditionally undertaken for organic optimization all apply to podcasts from the syntax of the file name to content focused landing pages. Daron Babin from Webmaster Radio(Iconic podcast DJ) went so far as to say that all podcasts should have full text transcriptions integrated into the SEO structure of the website. Chris Sherman was gain the moderator. The other speakers were Amanda Watlington, Ph.D., APR, Searching for Profit.
The day was rounded off with yet another wonderful Chris Sherman seminar, Meet the Mobile Search Engines. This seminar featured information regarding the state of mobile search, how it operates and where it may be headed. I left with resolve to cajole our clients who do not have mobile websites to prepare for what’s coming.
It was a great day at SES NYC 2007. Now it’s time for my favorite part about New York…food.