Sphinn is Like 5 Hungry Lions Feeding in a 10 Foot Square Cage.

Fighting for raw traffic and link meat, Linkbaiters bait each other on Sphinn, Chicken/Egg, Egg/Chicken…trying to make history.

The challenge lies in marketing to the only professional crowd on earth which actually understands how the linkbaiting mind lock works, plugged-in SEM professionals. Writing worthy content (which is actually useful, funny, or hip) for other linkbaiters is the phunnest challenge ever and very humbling. The KPIs for investing time in Sphinn are reputation, satisfaction, and links.

You Can’t Fool a LinkBaiter
Oh no you can’t fool a linkbaiter, at least not for long. You can only fool yourself. Get a linkbaiter to click on fake-junk-content and you’ve converted a potential evangelist friend to a detractor. You can’t break promises made to linkbaiters with bogus hyperbolic headlines. The meat must be there.

Sphinn Works
This much we know. Sphinn’s “Hot Today” page rewards valuable content with tons of traffic resulting in high quality links and new friends. Sphinn is an extraordinary opportunity for young blogs with fledgling authority to leave the nest. Thank you for the opportunity to meet your 1000 most engaged friends Danny. We’ll try not to become lion food 🙂 .

Here’s a list of headlines leading to phun posts that caught our attention tonight:
4MySales – Real Estate Investment and Marketing: Ten Ways to Piss Off You

Readers, Kill Your Blog, and Get Banned From the Internet!

SEOmoz | Small Businesses & the Allure of the SEO Happy Meal

Why We’re Not Adding a Sphinn It Button to Our Blog

Copywriting and the Portland Principle: Demystifying the Demystification of Hip Creative Marketing

Top 10 reasons why you shouldn’t choose that SEO agency.

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