Search marketing conferences are amazing studies in technology and people. I always leave these types of events stimulated intellectually, empowered technically, and confident that we offer our clients consulting on actual “best practices” in search marketing. The array of talent here at the Hilton New York this week was very cool.
We launched this blog to help answer questions we hear from clients all the time. We attend conferences like this to bring you the most recent and relevant information regarding the world of organic and paid search. That said, it is a BLAST to attend conferences like SES.
Top 7 reasons I love Search Marketing Conferences
1 All facets of advertising are represented here. If you want to have lunch with the media buyer for a fortune 50 client, have lunch with her. It’s always great to get perspective from others in the marketing chain.
2 It rocks to be among like minded people. Let’s face it; in the real world most people don’t really understand search marketing. It’s like we speak alien words or somthing.3 I can study and work as many hours as I want without compromising with my family. (My lovely wife Laura has joined me here in NYC and I WILL be taking the weekend all-the-way-off.)
4Â There are not nearly enough restaurants in Duluth or even Minneapolis. New York and Chicago don’t have that problem.
5Â The continuum of information gleaned from conferences like this ranges from cutting edge theory to pragmatic best practices.
6Â I’ve sourced weeks of blogging materials . Remember we blog for our clients. Out commitment is to organize information in AIMCLEARBlog which position our search marketing firm as the “eyes and ears” of your company. When you hire us we want you to know that “your business” has a representative to this cutting edge and practical stuff.
7Â Total immersion grows our company. I love my job. It’s the perfect hybrid of left and right brain. One of the ways I express my love for life is in my work. SES is an environment to heighten one’s commitment to growth and community.