Facebook #SHOPPER Persona Targeting Part 3 | Psychographic Hot House

Welcome back, marketers! Part THREE of AIMCLEAR‘s Facebook Purchase Behavior Buyer Psychographic Profiles explores purchase habits, subscription services, buyer profiles, business purchases and technology within Facebook’s Purchase Behavior targeting category. So, settle in! In this post we’ll explore how Facebook’s subscription services category isn’t what it seems. We’ll narrow in on frugal fashionistas, terrified seniors on eReaders and MORE income qualifiers that don’t include explicit money targeting.

If you missed it, we’ve already covered clothing, food and drink, store types, purchase types, and health and beauty buyer profiles, so let’s get rolling on these additional categories, shall we?

Let the PSYCHOgraphic targeting fun begin!


Facebook Purchase Habit Targeting

Kicking off this post, we’ll start with quite possibly the simplest purchase behavior category: purchase habits.


Only selling goods via ecommerce? Online buyers should be a qualifier on all your Facebook targeted audiences. Primarily brick and mortar? It goes without saying: Select offline buyers to focus your targets. Simple, right? It’s why we started with this one 🙂

Above average spenders is yet another income qualifier. Have you been keeping track? We’ve outlined at least nine other income qualifying targeting categories in this series. NINE! And that doesn’t even count explicit money categories like income or net worth targeting. Facebook straight up says these folks are “People…that make more purchases than the national average,” leading us marketers to believe they probably have more money than the national average.

Above average spenders can be applied as a psychographic targeting qualifier for just about any product or service that fits in higher end categories like architecturally designed sustainable outdoor furniture. Advertisers seeking to sell these ecological high-design pieces to folks with summer cabins (or just a bit of outdoor space on a patio) can pair above average spenders with interests that reveal an eco-conscious and appreciation for fine design and architecture.


Facebook Buyer Profiles Targeting

Facebook’s Buyer profiles category is loaded with psychographics ” from green living (a perfect addition to our audience above), to DIYers (folks who’ve probably pinned it all and the Michaels employees know them by name) to coupon users.


The sportsmen category is ripe for taxidermists, backwoods fishing trips, or recluse hunting excursions in Alaska. This audience can get even more wild when paired with frequent travelers with interest in Africa to join (*ahem* legal) hunting safaris.


But, this category doesn’t just have to be about hunting trips and tourism. A sizeable portion of sportsmen are an easy target (pun intended? You decide) for second amendment petition signatures or donations to the NRA.

The gadget enthusiasts category is part of a prime audience for the latest Facebook f8 announcement of impending virtual reality wearables.

Mark Zuckerberg with Facebook Glass of the future #F8

A photo posted by Danny Sullivan (@dannysullivan) on

Marketers at Facebook should pair gadget enthusiasts with virtual reality-type interests and income targeting over six-figures for beta launch invites.


When one thinks of the word “fashionista,” name-brand labels may pop in your head, causing your brain to consider fashionistas as having more disposable income. While this may be true in some cases, Facebook advertisers can find frugal fashionistas who’d rather buy shoes from companies like Golden Tote, Shoe Dazzle and Strobe, than buy lunch (and dinner). Even pair with geo for local vintage shops. This, of course, can be done by exclusion targeting of the above mentioned above average spending category.


The psychographic Facebook spa enthusiast category can clearly be tapped for Massage Envy memberships or any local spa establishment seeking new clientele. But let’s get a bit craftier for XpresSpa locations in airports. Marketers for XpresSpa pair spa enthusiast with airport targeting, and zero-in on users traveling at that time in those locations ” a perfect opportunity to offer up buy-one-get-one specials or percentage-off coupons.


To sign up users to their loyalty program, XpresSpa can extend the radius of the geo location targeting and add frequent flyers as a targeting qualifier.


Say it with me: Ahhhhhhhhh.

Facebook Business Purchase Targeting

While we’re thinking of business travelers, let’s dive into one of AIMCLEAR‘s (and really any marketing or advertising agency’s) favorite category: business purchases. This vertical may be small, but she is mighty!


At AIMCLEAR, we pair business marketing with many different personas to find the sweet spot: marketers or business owners who want to hire us. Here’s just a glimpse. 😉



Facebook Technology Targeting

We’ll be honest. We’re surprised this category hasn’t been built out more by Facebook, but surely it’s coming? We expect so. 🙂 With a category name like “technology” instead of “eReader” (which it seems to all be about now), we predict Facebook engineers are furiously working behind the scenes to develop more tech-focused targeting.


Upon Amazon’s next generation of Kindle, they can convert the non Kindle readers to their new upgraded technology by excluding Kindle interests and including our gadget enthusiasts from above.


The use of an eReader can mean more than you might think, marketers. Take, for example, a security company selling home monitoring technology that allows users to arm/disarm systems remotely via their smart phone. They think seniors living at home ” or seniors living with their adult children ” would be a great audience. How will you find these tech-savvy seniors? Narrow the age to 60+ who are concerned about safety, add gadget enthusiasts, eReaders, and technology early adopters to identify audiences that won’t be intimidated by this home monitoring technology.


Facebook Subscription Services Targeting

Facebook marketer beware! Targeting isn’t always as it seems. For instance, Facebook lists many subscription services under purchase behaviors, but realize that Facebook describes users in the following categories as being “receptive to” offers surrounding these targeting variables.


However, marketers should not be dismayed by the “receptive to” language in Facebook’s description. After all, if they’re “receptive,” that itself is a strong indicator they may be looking or susceptible to buy. 🙂

Therefore, with the help of subscription services, marketers are better able to target the elusive “cord cutters,” or people who have shut off TV services in lieu of streaming content. Get started by excluding satellite TV and including streaming services.


Are you exhausted from all this Facebook Purchase Behavior Targeting, marketers? Grab a cup of coffee and be sure you stay alert for our fourth and final installment of AIMCLEAR‘s Facebook Purchase Behavior Buyer Psychographic Profiles, where we’ll dive into sport and outdoors, kids products (hello moms and dads!), home and garden, household products and pet products. Wolf. M’row. Until next time!

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