You heard it here first! AIMCLEAR is proud to announce a NEW book deal with publishing powerhouse, Wiley Publishing. Our very own Marty Weintraub and Lauren Litwinka will be tackling the social media community manager’s role, providing top-shelf tactics, brand-boosting social strategies, cutting-edge downloadable templates, and oh so much more.
Marty and Lauren are excited to be working with our friends at Wiley/Sybex once again, who last year published Marty’s Killer Facebook Ads, along with other geek-gems from industry luminaries like Tim Ash and Avinash Kaushik. Wiley has a strong reputation of publishing academic and trade-based resources – helping academia and members of the business community stay abreast of the constantly evolving world of online marketing.
AIMCLEARians have been sharing the importance of community management and its benefits to successful companies for years. From articles dissecting the social media community manager’s job description to action-plans for crisis management, unforgivably annoying social media behaviors to the sheer genius of vanity baiting, as well as tips on how social marketers can survive the boss’ paranoid micromanagement, not to mention advice for how to get c-suite buy-in for social media… their expertise and insight span the gamut.
Soon, you’ll be able to take all of these tried and true tips (plus a bazillion more) with you wherever you’d like – all in a neat community managers’ bible-like package. We’re talking everything but the kitchen sink!
Marty and Lauren will tear through hot topics a la…
- The art of non-gratuitous social behavior
- The power of topical feeds – aggregating, creating, and sharing luscious content
- A nearly endless list of tactics to dominant the social sphere!
- Amazing ideas for building your social media toolkit
- A look at the complete universe of social channels
- Tactics to identify and befriend loyal stakeholders, customers, awesome brand advocates
- A deep dive into paid organic amplification and the importance of first degree of separation (marketing to friends of friends!)
- Tips to monitor social channels like a ninja
- Mind-blowing case studies as proof points, and more!
This is a 20,000 ft look at what you can expect from Marty and Lauren’s forthcoming book all about the ins and outs to becoming a community manager superstar. Stay tuned for more teasing details 🙂