Still, the conversation plays out large in some friends’ newfeeds. Remember, 5%+ CTR.
The orange circle defines the brand’s “In-community” friends. Again, there is light FoF visibility outside the brand’s immediate circle.
FoF visibility is one of the places FB has monetized by reducing organic propagation in favor of paid. Sponsored stories are the paid ad unit that re enables FoF visibility. They are highly effective units because they the second degree friend sees the first degree friend’s endorsement of the brand.
There was recently a successful lawsuit against FB, forcing FB to provide opt-outs for sponsored stories. We doubt many opt-out. The way the legal decision was written amounted to a #SlapOnWrist for FB because they are granular-multiple opt outs for every kind of story. There is no prominent master kill switch.
Where FoF visibility does still occurs is predominantly in the ticker. It moves really fast and the organic unit does not do a good job of driving users much of anywhere other than deeper in FB.