Facebook Targeting Rabbit Hole: Parents of College Students | Psychographic Hot House

Rabbit with teeth bared.

The National Center for Education Statistics projected that about 20.5 million students were expected to attend American colleges and universities in fall 2016. With between one and four potential parents, stepparents and/or guardians in their lives, we’re looking at 20.5 million to 82 million parents of college students in this country. That’s a tempting and […]

Psychographic Targeting Not-So-Hot House: Where to Turn When Missing the Mark

Psychographic targeting may be a thrilling, challenging, introspective and strategic cornerstone of social marketing campaigns that leads to #GreatSuccess immediately. It may also be solid in theory, less mind-blowing in practice, and heavily scrutinized once the somber reality of poor initial performance settles in 24 to 48 hours after launching a new campaign. In these […]

Nab Snapchat Followers Through Psychographic Cross-Channel Targeting | Hot House

With a global user base of 150 million people and growing, Snapchat has brands, moms, consumers and marketers taking note (Instagram is even taking code). While brands are rushing to the platform to snap away all day, if there are no followers to consume the content, the response rate will be hopes and dreams. Without […]

SMASH Sales with Facebook Buyer Targeting Personas PART 4 | Psychographic Hot House

Marketers, we’re finally here! The fourth and final post of our compendium to Facebook Purchase Behaviors, AIMCLEAR‘s Facebook Purchase Behavior Buyer Psychographic Profiles. Any display or social marketer worth their salt know: Facebook brims with buyer behavior (based on REAL purchasing data) and can be a powerful tool in any brand’s sales funnels or brand […]

Social Exclusion Targeting! How to Map Negative Search #PPC Keywords to Social Psychographics | Hot House

Negative keywords are BUTTER to search marketers’ bread. Excluding irrelevant and information-only queries from search campaigns helps performance marketers focus the audience and preserve precious PPC budgets, making keyword exclusions a highly valued targeting feature. Smart social marketers are using the same negative keyword logic from search and mapping to social campaign, however this tactic […]

Adwords Income Targeting: How Marketers CASH IN | Psychographic Hot House

While social channels may boast more expansive interest targeting capabilities, search is where business’ repeatedly double-down for the sweet spot of volume and, most importantly, intent. What other channel contains the verbatim ask of a user’s desire? When it comes to managing search campaigns, the challenge remains researching ways to reach the largest (and most […]

Social Psychographic Targeting Hot House | Where Does The Data Come From?

If knowledge is power, then Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are basically Power Rangers. These social media superheros mightily morph marketing minds with intuitive audience insights, hyper-focused targeting options and ever-evolving layers of data. How do they know so much about their vast network of users? By mastering declared, inferred and third-party data. When properly combined, […]